
Agricultural Teacher
Supply and Demand

Since 1965, the National Agricultural Education Supply and Demand Project has been facilitated by the American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE). In 2014, Drs. Daniel Foster (The Pennsylvania State University), Rebecca G. Lawver (Utah State University), and Amy R. Smith (University of Minnesota) were selected to conduct the national agriculture teachers' supply and demand research. In 2022, Michael Spiess (California State University, Chico) joined the team to assist with accessibility of the data.  The data on this site was compiled by this team.   Note:  Data before 2011 was extracted from prior reports and is limited.  ***

Recommended citation for use of this data:

Foster, D. D., Smith, A. R.,  Lawver, R. G., & Spiess, M., (2024). National Agricultural Education Supply and Demand Project [data set]. American Association for Agricultural Education. http://nsd.aaaeonline.org.
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Demand Reports: 660
Supply Reports: 1236

Database Updated: 6/6/2024 11:15:00 AM
2023 Data Added (2/24/2024)

Questions about the site can be addressed to Michael Spiess (California State University, Chico).
Click here to report a data error.